Express Communication Services Limited (ExComS) provides end-to-end solutions and IT support in IT training, Technical Consultancy and IT Certification. They have a highly experienced team of Level I, Level II and Level III Technical Support Engineers, Consultants, Project Managers and Project Coordinators ready to support anyone needs.
Project Details
Express Communication Services felt that their existing website didn’t engage enough with their current target audience. They approached Silicon Technix with specific requirements so that they could make their website more up to date and compliant according to GDPR guidelines. They were also looking at having their hosting and domain account reviewed. One requirement that our client was after was to enhance the Careers section on the main header so that it could update their Job Posting and job applying system. They also wanted to show their product portfolio, update events and upcoming events and enhance services on the home page slider.
Another requirement was to create a Feedback form that the Customer could complete online.
Finally, as our client was looking to work with a broad variety of customers, it was important that the website worked across a range of mobile devices as well as being mobile compatible.