IT Management System is an online management application which is used by different companies to manage tasks and human resources. There are different job roles with which a user performs job duties and can access dashboard through a secure login process. The application is mobile-compatible and can be used on mobile as well to improve usability.

User Types
There are six types of users
- Site/Application Admin
- Organisation Super Admin
- HR Manager
- Project Manager
- Employee
- Engineer/ Backfill Resource/ Self Employed
Site/Application Admin
Site admin is owner of the application. Site admin can add or remove new Companies, Users and Projects who can help in management of site.
He can add companies as super admin for their companies, also he can add or remove the or disable temporarily company, super admin, HR manager and finance manager.
He can remove the access on specific pages for HR manager, Finance manager and super admins of all companies.
Organisation Super Admin
Super admin is the owner of an Organisation, He can manage all the things happening in his Organisation by using our application.
Admin can manage the following:
1. Manage Resource
Add or remove Resources based on Resource Type which is either a company or self-employee.
This admin can add the person who wants to join as self-employee by assigning him a role from drop down list and this list , he will manage and add by himself from setting tab.
He can make the status of any company active or inactive.
2. Manage Employees
He can Add New Employees and assign them a specific role and company.
In this module, he can manage the document of any employee added by him and or edit/view/delete the document of employee of selected company.
3. Manage System Users
He can add/view/delete the system users, there are 3 types of designations of system users which are below.
- Finance Manager
- HR Manager
- Super Admin
4. Manage Customers
He can add/edit/delete his customer and make them active or in active customer.
5. Manage Projects
Admin will add new projects for a customer.
If a new project start then the admin will add new customer first and then he will add new project by adding the project detail and assign this project to concern customer.
He can also view active or inactive projects also but if he want to unassigned a project he can do this by editing the project and then select the new customer he want to assign this project.
6. Manage Projects
Admin will add new projects for a customer.
If a new project start then the admin will add new customer first and then he will add new project by adding the project detail and assign this project to concern customer.
He can also view active or inactive projects also but if he want to unassigned a project he can do this by editing the project and then select the new customer he want to assign this project.
7. Manage Attendance
He can mark the attendance of employees working on specific projects.
Here he can add the working hours of the selected employee for a specific period in the specific date range.
For this purpose here first, select a project, the system will load the employees working on this project, then he will select the concerned employee and select the start and end date then the system will load the attendance sheet of this selected duration and then he will add working hours per each day.
Moreover, he can upload the leave application document and add his comments.
Super Admin can add the attendance of an employee for a specific employee of a specific project and can add documents like his application for leave and also can view his working performance based on hours.
8. Manage Site setting
- Add/Edit/View Module.
- Add/Edit/View Application pages.
- Add/Edit/View Designation and can change the status to active or inactive.
- Change the access permision of page for each designation
Project Manager
Project manager can manage the following:
Manage Profile
- View/Edit Profile
- Change Password
Manage Documents
- View/Edit Checklist Documents
Demo Credential:
User ID: s-admin
Password: s-admin
User ID: sp-admin
Password: sp-admin
User ID: hr
Password: hr
User ID: pm
Password: pm
User ID: emp
Password: emp
User ID: self
Password: self
Tools and Technologies
CSS3 HTML5 Javascript .NET Windows Form Application C#
Supported Operation Systems