Alzajil Store

Alzajil Store is a UK based company that offers a digital online store to sell their products like tea, tea accessories, cargo packing material plus lots of other items. Our client hired us as they needed a website to match their other Alzajil brands, but also wanted to give their consumers something unique to view compared to what other similar companies were selling. In addition to what was required, the client requested to have an online storefront E-commerce website where they could sell all their tea and other items to ultimately increase their sales.

Project Details

Our Alzajil client needed an online store with an E-commerce website. Once we understood their branding requirements, we wanted to design this website with the same colours, font and imagery as per their other websites to keep it all uniform.

We decided to use a custom-built WordPress site with built-in plugins to allow the client to update the website more simply. We then set up a fully functionally E-commerce online store for our client that showcases the quality of all of their products, whilst ensuring it is still straightforward for the visitors to navigate around. We then inputted all the data in for them too.

Written In

 CSS3    HTML5    Javascript    PHP   

Frameworks Used


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